“Language is the dwelling place of ideas that do not exist anywhere else. It is a prism through which to see the world.”
In an 8th grade English class, our teacher informed us we would have a “spelling bee” of sorts. Instead of words to spell, we would need to state a preposition; if you couldn’t think of one, you were out. The list of possible choices were long... perhaps 50 of them? I dutifully memorized the list and the handy template to “check” if the word was indeed a preposition.
“A preposition is a word that shows a relationship between a noun or pronoun and some other word.”
Walls, Shetland, UK. July 2023
The rabbit jumps _____ the fence.
over, around, between, to, from, for, with…
Around the room we went, until one other child and I remained. Billy stated the last word on the list.
My cheeks turned bright red. What was I to say except “there are no words left on the list.”
The teacher in all her (inappropriate) wisdom said “well, the world is filled with more prepositions than the words on that page, use the template and think of one.”
I could not. I “lost” and Billy got the award.
Perhaps it was that day in the school that sparked an interest in grammar and language… it certainly left an impression in more ways than one.
I know, you are asking, “what does this have to do with peace?”
I walk ____ peace.
What happens to the meaning of this sentence when we change the preposition?
I walk for peace. I walk with peace. I walk towards peace. I walk against peace. I walk under peace. I walk over peace. I walk around peace. I walk between peace. I walk on peace.
Or let’s try this…
pathways to peace… pathways for peace… pathways of peace
“to” implies peace as a destination,
whereas “for” infers that peace is a cause,
yet “of” reflects a process, the here and now.
Just changing that one wee word shifts our relationship with peace. I find this fascinating… and while many think it’s an irrelevant detail, I think it speaks to the heart of the matter. Just one preposition allows our relationship to evolve from thinking of peace as a product/outcome to peace as a process. Just one word. And the funny thing is that the definition of a preposition includes the word “relationship.”
Shetland, UK
Peace nugget #12
Write a sentence using the “preposition” template. I used the example of walking ___ peace. Perhaps you’d like to use, I knit ____ peace.
Make this your personal peace statement. Now, insert many different prepositions and see how the meaning of the sentence changes. Find a version that reflects the relationship with peace that you’d like to “manifest.” You’ll be applying your very own personal peace mantra in the coming days.
And on this day of a new moon, symbolic of new beginnings and intentions, think of your personal peace mantra as a new beginning.
Here’s a list of prepositions… and it is much longer than the one we were given in 8th grade.
Leave a comment with your personal peace statement and/or your observations on how your relationship with peace changes with the use of different words.
May your day be filled with steps and stitches… and a beverage that brings you joy.
Many of you commented on using natural fibers when knitting and your desire to support certain types of businesses. Some of these included women-owened businesses.
Dotty, owner of the Net Loft (the one who has the online watercolor classes I previously mentioned) in Cordova, AK sells Jamieson’s yarn.
There’s another woman-owned online shop with only a couple of yarn brands, one of which is Jamiesons and Smiths. The shop is Fairlight Fibers and has the best prices I’ve found in the US and great customer service.
Just in case you were interested…