Day 16... Pause

by Christina

Take time to see the quiet miracles that seek no attention.
— John O'Donohue

A lichen-covered abandoned croft, Shetland, UK

Stillness… a time to observe, reflect, recover. To slow down and notice the tiny miracles that abound. Nature and our very beings are dependent on rest…

inhale, pause, exhale

the heart fills, pause, blood is sent forth to the periphery

leaves fall from the trees, the pause of winter yields new growth

a comma, period, and line break in between two paragraphs… pause

the ebb and flow at the water’s edge as directed by the pull of the moon


without that moment of the in between,

life would cease to exist

I am fascinated by the heart… the physiology of this life-sustaining organ as well as a way of being. To shift from a head-focused life to one that is heart-centered. I recently jotted down these thoughts about the heart and the need for rest… it’s a work in progress…

A journey through the heart…

the persistent rhythm…

lub, dub, lub, dub, lub, dub

the ebb and flow of the filling and releasing

contraction, relaxation

the pause before the sending forth

the electrical current that keeps the entire system pulsing,

oh those misfirings, random, twitchy, twinges

lub, dub, lub dub, lub dub, lub, dub

let’s try again

lub, dub, lub dub, lub dub

the chambers dwelling deep within, a place of respite

where all must relax to replenish

and if you live to be 100 years old, that’s 52,560,000 minutes…

and 3.15 * 10 to the 9th power beats of the heart

gratitude for the pause.

Seaweed on a remote beach, Shetland, UK

Peace nugget #16

Pause. Not just slowing down but an actual pause, the space of the in between. Notice how the ordinary become extra-ordinary.

What “quiet miracles” can you see today?


Oh those responses to “organize” were delightful!

Box breathing is an excellent way to practice pausing. Pick a number, let’s say 4. Inhale to the count of 4, pause for the count of 4, exhale for 4, pause for 4 counts. Repeat.

John O’Donohue is one of my all-time favorite poets. As I was reading through some of his work to find a specific passage, there were so many that I wanted to include. Words that responded to many of the life circumstanes that have been expressed here over the past two weeks. Here is a link to more quotes. Many of you have mentioned wanting to journal more and these quotes could be excellent prompts.

Pause at the water’s edge, Reawick beach, Shetland, UK

Day 15... organize

by Christina

What do you call a fish without an eye?

A fssssshhhhhhhhh……

Get it? A fish without an eye? The letter “I.” Fsh.

When I heard this riddle, I couldn’t stop laughing… nor could the person telling me the joke. Perhaps we were just that tired; fatigue and exhaustion can have that effect.

Or perhaps it was my strong appreciation, respect, and deep gratitude for having that riddle-teller in my life.

We laughed… and then she proceeded to tell me more silly riddles about food and animals.

And as we parted ways at the end of the day, I realized just how profound this little joke is… it’s similar to the saying “there is no I in teamwork.” Yet different…

The no “I” in teamwork statement can have negative connotations… because of how it is said. Typically it’s intended to bring someone back into conformity with a group; yet that “I” person may have strengths as a leader, work well independently, or maybe hasn’t had an opportunity to learn how to work effectively with others.

But this cute fish riddle… has a more positive tone. The fish isn’t whole without the “I.” The word isn’t complete. We need all the individual letters… just like all the individual people add up… to make a family, society, nation, and global community.

I recently saw this image of fish and found the message quite meaningful…particularly as a person who enjoys working independently. Sometimes, I need a reminder that the collective is powerful.

Walking the path of peace alone can feel daunting, isolating, and overwhelming… As a person who identifies as a seeker of solitude and finds bliss when walking solo in the woods or along the water’s edge it is a good reminder there is a need to also “organize.”

Fish as sustenance…

Fish as a symbol of the power of the collective…

Fish as a vital link in the Earth’s ecosystem…

Peace nugget #15

Today marks the beginning of the third and final week of Project Peace 2023. Someone asked me yesterday, “what comes after the 21 days?” I replied, “good question.”

Take a moment today to reflect on where we’ve been and what you might do to continue incorporating peace into your daily life… for self, others, and the Earth.

Share your thoughts in the comments…


If you want to get involved with knitting a gansey herring for the SHOAL/CLAITH project, you can find a free pattern and more information here.

Also, Dotty from the Net Loft in Cordova, AK continues to organize the Copper River Delta Birds by Hand project. Knit a bird and send it to Dotty (details in the link provided). She has many knitted “peace” birds made by Project Peace participants. I had a chance to view the exhibit in Cordova several years ago and it was beyond moving and inspiring…

Day 14... Nourish

by Christina

Nourish (verb): 1. provide with the food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition; 2. keep (a feeling or belief) in one's mind, typically for a long time.

Synonyms: sustain, cherish, nurture, foster, promote

Prairiewoods, Hiawatha, IA

And now, in the context of peace…

nourish: to provide substances needed for peace; or to maintain a commitment to peacebuilding for the long haul.

How can we nourish ourselves for the duration? Peace asks us to make these choices each day… with each beat of our heart, stitch by stitch, and step by step.

“Substances” that sustain us on the path of peace.

Food, creative acts, mindful movement, music, hydration, time with nature, relationships,

and rest … all ways to nourish.

A potluck charcuterie board, Prairie Horizons Farm, MN

Peace nugget #14

Certain types of music can fill me up… the richness of an orchestra,“where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts,” the unison of the strings, the vibration of sound achieved with a Gregorian chant, or a connection to the here of far, far away with the playfulness of a fiddle.

Let’s nourish our peace-travelling beings with a bit of music today. I’ve selected a few of my favorites and provided you with links. There will be ads so if that’s distracting, try searching for these artists on your preferred way to stream music.

Breckon Sands, Yell, Shetland. Summer 2023


What an amazing collection of “peace statements” from yesterday’s post. If you have time to read through the comments, I would highly recommend it. Inspiring, moving, heart-felt... and I would add, a few tears were shed… so much emotion.

Thank you for embracing the “manifest” post with authenticity. If the thought of writing a poem was just too much too tackle, try writing a sentence, or a few words that speak to you. Maybe today, while listening to some music you might find a few words.

And a huge thank you for the comments… you are creating a community when you post a comment and that is a key ingredient to peacebuilding. Plus, the comments/community provides sustenance so that I continue on this path.