The day after Christmas and all through the house not a creature is stirring not even a... ok, except for the dog. It's been a whirlwind of festivities with baking, wrapping, conducting the Peace-along, grading finals, driving across the country to celebrate the holidays with my parents, preparing meals, eating delicious meals, family walks, cleaning up and lots of stimulating conversations. Each year there is so much effort that goes into the preparation for Christmas Day and once it finally arrives I can't help but feel like "hey, wait, now let's celebrate".
I want to hold onto the magic of Christmas for days to come; I don't want to box it all up and move on. Instead of quickly moving on, the days between Christmas and New Years provide us with time to reflect on the past year and prepare for the next one. It's a peaceful time to linger a little longer each morning in front of the Christmas tree with a cup of coffee, take time to knit, and to breathe a little deeper.
There is lots of chatter on blogs about identifying a word that represents one's intention for the upcoming year. When I think about the past year I can't pinpoint one word that would capture all that happened but I can definitely sum it up with the word gratitude. Grateful for family, health, and freedom. For some reason, I feel compelled to identify a theme word for the new year. For the next week I'll be spending my morning time by the tree with my cup of coffee and knitting musing about my word for 2016. Stay tuned.
For now, I leave you with some healthy thoughts and wishes...
...and finally, it is snowing.
Knit one, walk two.