I never dreamed that Project Peace would spread as it has. Project Peace has now been downloaded on Ravelry by over 10,000 people. That's right, 10,000 individuals from around the world. I am delighted, amazed, humbled and wee bit overwhelmed with how this simple message of peace has spread around the world in just over a week's time. My original goal was to reach 1000 people. Just think what could happen if each one of those 10K individuals spread the message of peace to at least one person and then that person told another person and so on...we'd be unstoppable. Based on my experience this week I'm filled with hope and promise that there is still some good in the world.
Anyone for a slice of peace?
As a recap, in case you aren't familiar with Project Peace it's what I call a "peace-along." I've written a pattern that uses a simple stitch pattern resulting in a cozy, comfy cowl. This pattern is free on Ravelry (currently it's just the cover page of the pattern; full pattern is available on 11/28). Additionally, there will be daily tips to infuse more peace into your life posted on this blog from December 1st through the 21st including a few guest posts. All the information can be found on the Ravelry pattern page or my previous post on this blog.
If you are on Ravelry there are two active threads in the Healthy Knitter group, one about Project Peace and the other titled "World-wide Knit-in for Peace." That's right, as a result of Project Peace we've now declared December 21 as a day to knit for peace. Under the thread titled "World-wide Kint-in for Peace" you'll find a link to a map (read posts #133 and 135) that marks the location of all the people that are knitting for peace on 12/21. Please add yourself to the map!
Please consider being a messenger of peace...spread the word to everyone you know. Tell someone about the project whether they are a knitter or not...have them read the peaceful tips in December. The tips are entirely focused on cultivating peace in your life; they are not focused on religion, race, gender, or politics...just good ol' fashion peace.
We need peace in this world now more than ever and it's up to us to make this happen.
May each stitch and step bring you peace...