Trees. I love trees. They provide protection from the elements, shelter in the form of a house, can be made into paper and the list goes on. Trees, what an extremely valuable resource.
My favorite yoga posture is tree pose or vriksasana. It seems so simple yet it can be challenging. Grounding down with one leg, the other leg bent with your foot placed against the standing leg. Arms reaching high, gently swaying to and fro. This pose combines strength, balance, beauty and fluidity into one. By far, my favorite.
I grew up in the mountains and have lived most of my life in the mountains except for the past 8 years. Heading deep into the forest on a walk is my refuge. Looking down at the textured ground covered with pine needles or to glance upward to see the majestic limbs reaching high into the sky. The soothing sound as the wind moves gently from branch to branch with a soft, shhhhhhh. A creak and a crack can be heard as the old hearty trunks adjust to the shifts in their surroundings as if to say "I'm old and strong but still adaptable."
One of the world's largest organisms is an Aspen grove with a massively interconnected root system all stemming from one tree. Trees seem to be another wonderful symbol of peace, strong yet supple, not out to harm and a source of great beauty.
I'm drawn to the idea that our knitting community focused on peace these past 12 days is akin to the Aspen grove. Through our stitches focused on peace we are all connected. We stand strong yet flexible and fluid to the changes in our surroundings. Each of us with our own story but collectively united in peace.
I'm reminded of a quote I've seen a few times. When I went searching for it I learned that it's a poem. I've provided you with a shortened version but the poem by Ilan Shamir can be found here.
Advice from a Tree
Seek nourishment from the good things in life
Simple pleasures
Earth, fresh air, light
Be content with your natural beauty
Drink plenty of water
Let your limbs sway and dance in the breezes
Be flexible
Remember your roots
Enjoy the view!
Peace tip #12
Take 10 minutes today for just you. Pull up a chair, feet firmly planted on the ground, eyes closed, and think of a tree, any tree, now let your mind go on a little journey. Where is this tree? What lessons are there to be learned from your tree? After you've finished mind-wandering, jot down a few words to describe your thoughts. Why not try doodling some trees?
Ponderosa State Park, McCall, ID
Old majestic ponderosa pine with lichen wrinkles
As legend has it, the leader of Clan Cameron was planting trees when he was called off to the Jacobite Uprising. He stuck all the shoots in the ground at the same time resulting in a collection of individual trees growing as one.
Cameron Estates near the Great Glen Way, Scotland
Today, may you feel grounded and strong yet able to sway with whatever breeze blows your way...