Seven peaceful wishes...

by Christina

It's been one week since we officially began this journey with peace. My time flies especially in December. On Monday at noon (US central time) I opened Ravelry to check on the status of the number of pattern downloads and there it was...a number filled with zeroes, 20,000. This means that in some way shape or form 20,000 lives has been touched by the message of peace in the last 4 weeks. Keep spreading the word as we need as many people to stop and think "peace, what does that mean to me?" 

Today I'm going to get straight to the peaceful tip. We've spent the past week exploring what does peace really mean? It's a word that we use all the time but defining it can be challenging. We've talked about snowflakes, media detox (which definitely stirred the pot for some of you), breathing exercises, gardening/coloring and doodled words that capture the meaning of peace. Throughout the peace-along we will be writing a series of letters not ones that will be sent to anyone but jotting down some ideas (or you can just think about them.

Peace tip #7

On my daily walk the other day I came across some sidewalk chalk art. It wasn't there the day before and it vanished the next day with the heavy rains. It was a "sign." 

Dear Self,

Here are 7 wishes I have for you...(go ahead, talk nicely to yourself or identify ways to be peaceful to yourself).

  1. ___
  2. ___
  3. ___
  4. ___
  5. ___
  6. ___
  7. ___



Have a very peaceful day filled with sending yourself lots of peaceful and positive thoughts.

P.S. As a reminder I'm only sending an email every 7 days so you'll need to check the blog daily.

P.S.S. I'll be announcing a special give-away sometime in the next 6 days so make sure you check daily. 

P.S.S.S. Please feel free to leave comments and to like each post.