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Gratitude is all about being thankful, right? Well, what about the art of saying "thank-you." How does the ability to say thank you contribute to one's over all "attitude of gratitude?"
Saying "thank you" in our day-to-day lives is routine for most. Someone holds the door for you, compliments you regarding the shirt you are wearing, or perhaps after the meal has been served and's polite to say thank-you.
We are also taught to say thank-you after a gift is given to us. A formal thank-you is now "expected;" perhaps to set this scenario apart from the day-to-day simple acts. This formal thank-you is customarily viewed as a thank-you card. There are several people in my life that are professionals when it comes to this form of saying thank-you...I, am not.
We probably all have a list or two of "things I should get better at." For me, writing formal thank you cards is on that list. I've never been very good at it yet I feel I should be. So today, I'm going to write three notes to people that went above and beyond for me in the month of April. I've informally said "thank you" several times but I really want them to know how much their help meant to me.
So, today's letter is "T" and I think you can tell what word was probably on my mind as I contemplated this letter in the context of graTitude.