“Peace... this we choose each day. ”
Be a seed… nourish and grow! Pattern details release on 11/15 on Ravelry!
It’s hard to believe that Project Peace begins in 3 weeks. It’s no secret, this year has been a challenge for me and I’ve been quiet on the blog as a result. Each time I think I’m ready to reconnect with all of you with consistency I find myself needing more time alone. I’m grateful for your support, patience, kindness and understanding. This year, I’ve been reminded so many times of all the wonderful people there are in the world.
Some of you are new to the blog so let me briefly share some history about Project Peace. For a brief review, read this post published by Interweave or feel free to peruse posts from previous years.
Project Peace began as a simple idea over coffee with a friend in the fall of 2015. I mentioned “what if I could get 1000 knitters around the world to knit on the same pattern at the same time in the name of peace?” I chuckled and said “if I was successful, it would be my version of world peace.” Never did I imagine what would happen. By the end of December in 2016, there were over 20,000 downloads for the free Project Peace pattern. It was a challenging time for many and the focus on peace during those dark days provided a glimmer of hope. To create a larger impact, in 2017, I charged a nominal fee for the pattern and donated proceeds to non-profit organizations that are working towards a healthy, peaceful future.
Project Peace is about choosing peace in one’s daily life. Since those initial days of Project Peace, I’ve learned A LOT about peace, what it means and how much more I need to learn. I’ve a better understanding that it’s a loaded word with many preconceived ideas that may or may not be appropriate. We’ve used this word so casually over the years that for many the true meaning has been lost. BUT the impetus for Project Peace was to remind people that peace is a choice. It’s not something that will someday be given to us… for free, without work. Peace is built from the bottom-up and that’s us.
During the month of December, I provide suggestions on the blog that can be incorporated into your daily life that might help bring a little peace to your day. I do this through the act of knitting, using knitting as a metaphor, creating commu[k]nity, introducing you to others that represent some element of peace… the list goes on.
Project Peace is not focused on any specific religion, faith, political party or agenda. I intentionally work to make Project Peace inclusive to all people…. My goal is to create a global knitting commu[k]nity that is inclusive and without borders.
I’m so excited about this year’s project as I’ve worked over the past 4 months to create a pattern that promotes intentional and mindful knitting…. Oh gosh, I just can’t wait. The theme this year is “Seeds of Peace.” This idea came to me last year during Project Peace 2017 and I knew I wanted to design a cowl that would capture this concept. It is my hope that “seeds of peace” will remind each one of us to be seeds that with nourishment will grow to positively impact others. We’ll chat more on this later.
This year’s pattern proceeds will be used to support two non-profit organizations, Seeds of Peace, a summer camp in Maine that hosts kids from North America, Africa, and the Middle East to develop healthy communication skills. The other group is called Gardens for Health, three women teaching others in Rwanda how to cultivate food to prevent malnutrition. So, let’s help spread peace through our seeds….
Last year, people asked me how they could donate more. In addition to the Project Peace 2018 pattern there will also be an opportunity to purchase an ebook with forthcoming patterns. There will be 5 patterns in the ebook that are related to “seeds of peace” including patterns for fingerless mitts, a hat, and 2 other cowl patterns. There will also be an updated version of the Project Peace 2018 pattern for other weights of yarn; this will be released at the end of December. One pattern will be released during Project Peace and the others will be published on Ravelry in January/early February. Profits from the ebook will also be used to support this year’s organizations. It’s a win-win… more peaceful knits for you that extend into the New Year and more funds to help others working towards creating a peaceful world.
I need your help… please be a seed…
It’s up to us to spread peace around the world… peace begins with us. There are over 3000 people subscribed to this blog… if each one of us, encourages 1 other person to knit for peace, that would be 6000 people, and if that person asked one other person then that’s 12,000…that’s a lot of seeds being planted for peace. Just think… we have the power to engage others in cultivating peace in our world.
· Can I ask that each one of you please encourage one other person to knit for peace?
· To encourage one other person to subscribe to this blog?
· Ask each one of those people to do the same thing?
An action you can do right now:
Now, here’s a really easy thing to do… go to the Healthy Knitter Ravelry group, join the group. Then, go to the thread for the global map. We’ve had some issues with the map this year, so we’ve created a solution that makes this very easy for you. All you have to do is leave a note with your location and we’ll get you added. How many people can we get to place a pin on the map? If you notice your location is already been pinned by someone else, please make sure you are added as well…
What state in the US can have the most representation?
What country outside of the US can have the most pins?
Which continent can be covered?
Global map of knitters for peace… add your location! Let’s cover the world with peaceful knitters.
The pattern details for Project Peace 2018 will be published on November 15 on Ravelry. At that time, you can purchase the details for the single pattern. The pattern instructions will be released on December 1. You’ll also have the option to purchase the ebook (patterns to be released during December, January and February).
All of the following actions, help increase the visibility of Project Peace on Ravelry. On November 15, do the following:
Like (or “fav”) the pattern on Ravelry
Place the pattern in your queue on Ravelry
Create a project page on Ravelry
Are you ready? Ready to focus on peace… yes, it’s a busy time but isn’t that the point? We have to make time for peace. If we wait for the right time, we may wait too long. It’s up to us to choose peace. Please continue to join me on this adventure… it’s become my mission… how about you?
In the coming days, I’ll be popping into your inbox with some additional opportunities. There will be bags again this year plus a few other new items. I’m excited to share.
Please share how you will actively work to engage other knitters in an opportunity to cultivate a culture of peace in our lives! I can’t wait to hear your ideas.
“Knit on with confidence and hope, through all crisis.”