“Slow makes fast and fast makes slow...”
The tortoise and the hare. We’ve all probably heard the fable countless times and know the moral of the story: for the long haul… we must slow down. And yet, how many of us spend our days acting a little more like the hare rather than the tortoise?
Ambition, productivity, pride, ego, inspire the hare along his quick and flighty path. Running here and there distracted by… well, everything.
Distractions… they are everywhere.
The t.v., computer, phone, shopping, the list goes on. These items pull us away from our true course, creating a rushed world, one filled with messages that promote a life filled with more titles, more news, more “friends,” more material goods. And not that these items are inherently bad but the way in which we use them has become a wee bit problematic.
Peace seed #11.
Pass… so what does today’s word have to do with peace.
Let’s “pass” on acting like the hare.
Today, pick something… just one thing that pulls you away from being more like a tortoise.
Here’s a potential list of items you can step away from today:
today, I will refrain from watching the news
today, I will limit my time on social media to ___ minutes
today, I will limit my computer time to ____
If you are seeking a seed that promotes, encourages and reinforces the positive, perhaps consider the following:
today, I will drink more water
today, I will knit in silence
today, I will walk during the time I typically watch the news
Wearing my professional hat, I can tell you that we’re all more likely to implement our desired behavior if we write it down and/or share it with someone else. So, today, write it down on a piece of paper, a sticky note, your journal, email it to a friend, or even here as a comment.
What seed do you commit to implementing today?
I’ll start.
Today, I will drink more water.
Why?… because I need to PASS on all the holiday and sugary treats that are everywhere and if I think about doing something rather than restricting or avoiding I might just have a chance.
pause, ponder, presence, patience, pass…
Choose peace… and water.
Glacier National Park, Montana