Throughout this week, I’ll be sharing some of the most incredible artwork made by India Tresselt, a fiber artist from the Champlain Valley in northwestern Vermont. This year, she participated in Kate Bridger’s Made on Monday and titled her work, 52 Small Meditations on Peace. Be prepared to be inspired, her work captures the essence of peace. Thank you India for allowing me to share.
The full moon of December, the Cold Moon is December 12. The last full moon of the decade. Reading this hit me… the decade is almost over. Moving on to the 20’s… that’s going to take some time to sink in.
Connecting with others around a fire…
sitting at a campfire breathing in the cool summer mountain air,
watching the flames flicker,
the sparks climb high into the night sky.
a brightness in the dark night…
then stillness,
an innocent lean into the person next to you.
Warmth from the inside out, smiles appear…
memories float in,
the present is large,
the future seems so distant.
Friendships made,
some that last and some that go…
a moment in time known as peace.
The Reawick House, Shetland, UK
Two moons ago, I watched the full moon rise over a hill in Shetland. The magnificent sphere in the sky, pink, orange, gold and then brilliant yellow, scattered its light across the dark, black water in the bay. No words spoken for such beauty could not be disturbed. Moon dust does exist…
It was a trip to Shetland with my mum… a time to connect, perhaps reconnect.
Connecting over a form of “fire.”
Memories made, the present was large, and the future seemed so far away.
A moment in time known as peace.
Daily peace tip #10.
In this dark month of December, make time to revel in the darkness and also to find the light. Connect with someone over a “fire.” Perhaps light a candle, have a small fire outside, or join with others worldwide to celebrate the full moon in honor of peace.
Each full moon, Peace Fires unites people globally to concentrate on peace. Today, December 10 is the Peace Fire celebration of this full moon.
Create a moment that is LARGE and will linger, pause this full moon in wonder and awe of the light in the dark, cold sky.