“Difficulties are opportunities for inner growth, and the greater the difficulty, the greater the opportunity for growth.”
Here we are… on the threshold of our next adventure. Knowing with all my being that what’s needed most is to bring attention to that which we want to cultivate in our lives… to make space for peace.
There is no doubt that this has been one of the most challenging and heartbreaking years that many of us have ever experienced… for some that is loss of a loved one, a home, a job, or perhaps a disruption to your “normal” routine. Finding a new normal in the midst of tragedy and turmoil… finding a path of peace.
Last March, I set out on my daily walk to visit the trees. I began photographing these trees in November of 2019 with the intention of taking one photo a month. As the pandemic closed in on all of us, the trees became a destination with great importance… a place of refuge but also a school of sorts. I knew that I had been called to listen to the wisdom of these great beings.
Yet on this cold spring day, I looked up at the trees in wonder and was struck by the fact that a jet stream was present in the backdrop… others were traveling to far off places. My heart crumbled. I, too was to be on a plane headed to Shetland.
It wasn’t really the fact that I couldn’t go to Shetland it was the reality that I had to stay put…
remain in place…
a place I do not call home.
And that’s when I knew that during this pandemic, I needed to find a way to connect with this place where I live. I needed to find ‘peace in place.’
So with my pandemic-induced anxiety and fears, i shifted my attention to the trees, to connect with this place. And as I walked through the woods, my definition of place began to change. I came to be at ease with the place where I live and found new meaning to the word “place.” And my outlook began to shift…
Last night, was the most magnificent full moon… marking the end of November. As the moon begins her next cycle, we enter into a phase of “letting go.” The perfect symbol for our journey with peace… what is it that we need to let go of in order to find great growth during these difficult times?
Peace tip #1
Peace in place… what does this mean? Let’s take a moment to reflect on what this means to you.
Pull out a piece of paper or a journal and answer the following questions:
what does peace mean to me?
when I think of “peace in place”, what place comes to mind?
Don’t forget, that I’ll be putting together an extremely special give-away for one person at the end of Project Peace. All you have to do to be entered into the drawing is to post one meaningful every day during the 21 days based on the day’s topic. If, for some reason you can’t post a comment, you can send me a daily email: thehealthyknitter at gmail dot com
If you’d like to knit the 2020 Project Peace pattern, you can find it on Ravelry or The Healthy Knitter website.