“We seldom notice how each day is a
holy place
where the eucharist of the ordinary
Transforming our broken fragments
Into an eternal continuity that keeps us.”
The beauty of an ordinary day…
And here we are, the beginning of a new cycle. Our guide, the loving moon provides a fresh start, once again.
Thank you RHYTHM… without rhythm, it’s so easy to be pulled off course, lose our way, and feel lost. As we embark on this year of cultivating peace in our daily lives… rhythm is our foundation. Those little ways you can create a “ceremony of your everyday life.” Pick one ceremony you identified in January and hold it close… practice it daily…maybe it’s quiet coffee time, or knitting, weaving, or painting, or a walk through the woods. Return each day to this practice.
As John O’Donohue writes “we seldom notice how each day is a holy place… where the ordinary happens.” How can we bring our ATTENTION to the beauty of the ordinary? And how can we shift our ATTENTION so that we aren’t dwelling in the chaos and madness? This isn’t a suggestion that you dismiss or ignore all the atrocities of the world… just a reminder that where we spend our energy, is what accumulates.
“What a brave and startling truth to realize that global transformation happens only as individual souls deepen, one by one, relationship by relationship, and practice by practice - shaped by the myriad of choices we make.”
Calling our ATTENTION to the choices we make… with our time, our words, our relationships, our practices. And yes, those can be challenging choices that aren’t always easy. As we walk this path of peacebuilding in our daily lives, it’s vital that we cultivate awareness of what we are paying attention to. As Sr. Gabe reminds us, transformation is possible…
I’ve known for a couple weeks that this was the word for our next cycle… and now as I write, I find it challenging to share my enthusiasm for this word without seeming like I’m glossing over the current state of affairs.
Here’s my take on this word… in our lives, where we put our attention is what accumulates. Years ago, I observed that several researchers who studied specific chronic diseases passed away from the disease they investigated. A woman who studied breast cancer… an expert in the field of obesity… a cardiologist… perhaps these examples were purely coincidental but it made me acutely aware that our ATTENTION is important. And that language matters.
Pondering this observation, I decided to switch the verbiage regarding my own research from “chronic disease prevention” to “promotion of health.” The prevention of a disease felt like I was running away from a condition… and I wanted to bring my ATTENTION to health. Is this nuanced language, of course. But there’s a shift in what I’m giving my attention to… and I believe that’s important. I want to focus on health and not on disease.
“Winter in the woods.” Finding beauty in the ordinary winter days of the prairie.
Pattern: Lunenberg by Savory Knitting
New moon peace prompts:
The new moon is a time of introspection and setting intentions. With this new moon, perhaps you want to consider the following…
What will you give your ATTENTION to this lunar cycle?
How might your creative practice (e.g. knitting, writing, painting, weaving) provide an opportunity to raise your awareness of your ATTENTIVENESS? Does your mind wander? If so, where does it go?
How can you bring our ATTENTION to the beauty of the ordinary?
What time of day can you set aside to make a list (mental or physical) of good things that are all around? For example, the geese are beginning to move north, the snowdrops are emerging, the temperatures are rising.
As always, please leave a comment regarding your intentions for this lunar cycle’s theme. Your comments may provide an additional perspective that resonates with others. To co-create this peace community, we need many voices. Plus, your words provide me with a bit of sustenance to continue putting these words out there.
peace… one stitch, one step, one word at a time,