It's been months in the works and today I sent Project Peace 2017 out into the world. I know that might sound a wee bit corny but really, this has been my focus and passion for the past year. I've spent hours planning ways to build on last year's success and reach more people. That's been my spread more peace in the hopes, that in this time wrought with fear, dispair, anxiety and concern, that Project Peace might offer a glimmer of light.
So, I set it free today at 10 am central time. Pattern details are now available on Ravelry. The full pattern will be released on December 1, the beginning of the knit-along and peace-along. Beginning December 1, knit peace and read daily tips about personal peace building right here on The Healthy Knitter blog.
What's a peace-along? Each day beginning 12/1 through 12/21, I'll post a tip on how to integrate peace into your life. They'll be simple things, some from me and a couple guests. There will be a few give-aways throughout the 21 days. I'll be sending a daily email to all blog subscribers with a link to the post. Last year I wrote and doodled in a little journal I called my "peace-log." I'd encourage you to do the same this year.
Pattern theme. The theme for this year is the "ripple effect." The pattern is affectionately referred to as "ripples of peace." When each one of us chooses peace, the effects extend or ripples to others.
The pattern story. The shawl pattern begins with a few stitches and slowly grows to symbolize how our own actions manifest to reach others. Garter ridges incrementally get farther apart similar to the effects of throwing a pebble in the water. Finally, a simple to knit lace border with a modified old shale pattern completes the ripples.
The ripple. This year, I am charging for the pattern so that as a "kindness of knitters" we can collectively pool our resources to reach out and impact others. Throughout this past year, many knitters have risen to the occasion to help those in need as a result of natural disasters and other dire situations. I'm grateful and in awe of what our community has accomplished. With PP17, I want to focus our attention on building long-term, sustainable futures for our world. I've chosen the following organizations to promote a connection with fiber, nature and family. More details on these organizations will be forthcoming. Let's gather and build a healthy future.
The three organizations are:
1. Camino de Paz, a middle school north of Santa Fe, New Mexico teaching children how to run a sustainable farm intertwined with an academic curriculum. Funds will be used to incorporate fiber knowledge in the curriculum.
2. The Wilderness Awareness School, connecting youth and adults with nature.
3. Every Mother Counts, a non-profit organization committed to reducing maternal deaths during childbirth in the US and globally.
Pattern modifications. I designed this pattern to be easily adaptable and accessible to most knitters. The photos show the "smaller" size in DK weight yarn. Yardage requirements are available on Ravelry for both a smaller and larger size. I refer to the "smaller" size as the "finish me in December" size. This pattern is extremely modifiable for any weight yarn. You can easily substitute worsted weight yarn (use a larger needle size and find a gauge of your liking) and follow the pattern as written to achieve a larger shawl. Yardage requirements for the worsted weight and fingering weight options are forthcoming.
Special yarn available for this project. Several indie dyers and/or shops are putting together kits or special yarn bundles for this years Project Peace. Several of them are also donating a portion of the yarn sales to an organization of their choosing. This list will be added to as we progress. For now, you can contact the following for special yarn options:
Yarn Scout for Malabrigo and hand-dyed kits.
Please join me to promote peace for self, our families, communities and the world. Knit peace this December, reflect and incorporate peaceful tips into your day. Spread peace by telling everyone you know about Project Peace. Take this information to your LYS, knitting groups, friends that knit, etc. Last year with Project Peace 2016, I threw a pebble in the water so to speak and the ripples were wide and far-reaching. Now, let's see how far we can take this.
Can you help me spread peace? Share this information as far and wide as you can. How many knitters can we get involved?
There are two active threads related Project Peace on the Healthy Knitter Ravelry group, join us.
December 21 is World-wide Knit-in for Peace Day. As a group last year, we created this day. When I recently told a friend's daughter (age 11 years) about PP and World-wide Knit-in for Peace Day she said "I hope in my lifetime I see December 21 officially recognized as "world-wide knit-in for peace day." I shook my head and replied "me too, Lauren, me too." It's possible...we just have to come together and choose peace.
“Peace.. this we choose each day.”
It is my hope that we'll have 1000's of knitters focused on peace this December. It's all about one stitch, one step, one peaceful thought and action at a time. Join me on a peaceful adventure.