“Peace...this we choose each day.”
It's hard to believe that it's been almost a year since Project Peace 2016. It's been 363 days since I set Project Peace out into the world... it was the day after the Presidential election in the United States. It's been said that timing was everything and that we needed something positive. Well, here we are, a year later and I'm thinking our need for a ray of hope and a sprinkle of optimism might be needed more now than ever. I feel like I'm preparing a huge party and EVERYONE is invited yet I've still so many things to do.
This year's artwork, illustrated by my friend Lisa Orgler includes the peace bird that can also be found on last year's cover page as well as the artwork for the International Peace Park shawl. I asked her to include a woolly sheep to acknowledge the sustainable and renewable resource we all love. She's incorporated the peace bird, the sheep, yarn, and olive branches. Just perfect!
What is Project Peace?
Project Peace is an annual knit-along from December 1-21 supplemented with 21 days of blog posts centered on peace culminating on December 21 in what has been labeled "World-wide Knit-in for Peace Day." Project Peace is all about providing opportunities and awareness of how to incorporate more peace into ones life.
Two years ago over coffee, I said to my friend "if I could get knitters around the world to knit on the same pattern in the name of peace during the month of December, I'd create 'world peace'." It started as a bit of a joke but the idea began to grow. Last December, there were over 25,000 downloads for the Project Peace pattern; the pattern spent several weeks in the top 10 of what's hot now and for a couple of days it was number one.
Key dates for Project Peace 2017...
- Pattern pre-orders on Ravelry will begin on November 15 (Ravelry pattern page is forthcoming)
- The pattern pre-order will contain the cover page and yarn requirements so you'll be able to get ready
- Pattern releases and KAL begins on December 1
- Daily blogging begins on December 1 through the 21st
- World-wide knit-in for peace day (WWKFP) is on December 21
- Threads on the Healthy Knitter Ravelry group will be available on November 15 so you can begin interacting and pin your location for WWKFP
New features to Project Peace...
- Several indie dyers are creating custom color-ways for purchase. A separate post will announce the dyers and how you can get this very special yarn. I'm super excited about this and I think you'll be amazed at what these dyers and shops are creating.
- A couple of shops are creating some kits...again, more on this in a separate post
- My mum has been making project bags for months now. There will be about 300 limited edition bags available in December. There are still some PP16 bags (link at the top of the page) that are super special. If you don't have one from last year, you'll want both. This year's bag is not a simple repeat from last year. Because this year's project is just a bit bigger so are the bags.
About the pattern...
This year's pattern is themed off of the "ripple effect." As many of you know, Project Peace is focused on cultivating peace in our daily lives. Through the "peace-along" (aka daily blog posts), I (along with a few guests) provide tips on how to choose peace whether that be an activity, a quote, some music, a story, etc... As each one of us chooses peace, the effects ripple out to others.
The pattern is an asymetrical trianglular shawl in stockinette stitch with garter ridges to reflect the ripples after a pebble has been tossed in the water with a wavy, easy-to-knit, lace border. I've intentionally made this shawl accessible to most knitters from a technical perspective yet enough detail to promote mindful knitting. There'll be a modest size "to finish in December" and modifications provided to make it a bit larger.
To me, one of the most amazing things about this shawl beyond it's simplicity and symbolism is that it's a canvas for you to express what peace means to you in the knitted form. Any type of yarn will work e.g. woolen or worsted spun, tweedy, smooth, rustic/earthy, shiny, speckled, solids, make it striped, color-blocked or in a gradient. You can stash-dive, buy a kit from one of the shops (to be announced later), or purchase some of the specially dyed yarn (again, announced later).
One more unique feature...
This year there will be a small nominal charge for the pattern. Proceeds will be used to support organizations focused on helping youth live healthy, sustainable lives. More on this later but I'm super excited about this as it's yet another opportunity for us as knitters to "ripple" peace out into our world.
I need you...
to help me spread peace around the world, to knitters everywhere. This is another aspect of the ripple effect. Last year over 25,000 people downloaded the PP16 pattern in November and December. If each one of those individuals told just one other person think of what might happen. Here's a few ideas:
- Once the pattern page on Ravelry is live, please "fav" the pattern page, place the pattern in your queue and create a pattern project page...all of those items bring the pattern to the top on Ravelry's algorithm. This is necessary to get the pattern into the "What's Hot Now."
- Encourage a friend to join the KAL and peace-along to knit peace
- The artwork page above is downloadable. Print this and share with as many people as you can.
- Take this info to your local yarn store (LYS) and ask them to share with their customers
- Ask your LYS to host a KAL
- Ask your LYS to sponsor a knit-in on 12/21 for WWKFP Day
- Post on social media using the artwork from above or email me thehealthyknitter@gmail.com to get the jpg or pdf if that's easier for you
- If you're a blogger or have a pod-cast, please share with your audience
- If you're a yarn shop owner or employee, ask your customers how they'd like to knit peace in December. How might they like to ripple peace...a food drive, donate knitted items, teach knitting in the schools, have a social outing and make it obvious you are knitting for peace... so many ideas
- Place this content in newsletters
- Contact your guild or area knitting groups to share with more people
- Post the cover page on bulletin boards at your local library
How many people can we reach? 25,000, 50,000 or more. Last year with Project Peace, metaphorically speaking, I threw the pebble in the water to see how many people I might impact...and I was blown away with the response. And now, it's time for this ripple to reach farther and it's possible with your help.
Although I've so much to do before November 15, I can't wait to share all the things I've been working on...the activities, guests, special treats for all, a few give-aways. So, stay tuned to the blog, Instagram (@thehealthyknitter) and Ravelry (christinacampbell) for more details. Please share with me how you are reaching out to others whether it's on the blog as a comment or email me.
Let peace ripple...