Last year, I wrote about coffee in a post titled "Essence of Coffee." I love coffee. The rich, robust, bold flavor brings my day to life. I pull myself out of bed in the morning, make my way downstairs and prepare my coffee. It's my ritual.
Sitting in the morning stillness, listening to the birds chirping, the garbage truck beginning it's route, the footsteps of early morning exercisers...I'm in tune with the outside world and myself. I love wrapping my hands around my "favorite" mug, feeling the warmth inside and out. Each day, I carefully select the mug for the day which may be my "go-to" mug for weeks, months or perhaps just today. I'm fickle that way. My mug captures my mood.
And here's where we take a sharp detour in the topic for today. You probably thought I was going to carry on about my love for coffee but no, not today. Last week, I gave up drinking coffee or rather, caffeine. It's been a dark 7 days...filled with massive headaches, lethargy, even some chills and shakes. But it's starting to look a little brighter. The headaches are gone, I'm sleeping better and my energy is slowly returning.
Things are looking better with a nice cup of honey/lemon water...
And there's a reason I'm sharing this with all of you. It relates to peace. Without health there is no peace. Perhaps it's better to say that maximizing the most of your health regardless of what that might be for you is an important component of peace. Self-care is SO important. It's not selfish to make sure you are taking care of you.
So why did I give up caffeine? Certainly this is temporary as it's more to me than just a cup of brown-flavored water. There comes a time when our relationships with "things" isn't as it should be. I was drinking more and more coffee to keep up with some poor sleep quality that may or may not have been caused by the caffeine. I was drinking more and more coffee every day at the expense of other liquids (aka water). And I was constantly thinking about where and when can I get another cup of coffee. Taking a coffee break had become an avoidance tactic.
I'd lost that connection with my special early morning routine. It was just about getting more coffee. And I'm on a kick to get rid of those things in my life that are about having "more" unless we're talking about peace. Plus, the scientist in me says that any substance that can make you feel that wretched when you don't have it seems like it might not be best consumed in excess. Finally, the cost of coffee does add up. It was time to take a break.
More on coffee as it relates to today's Mindful Monday Tip. See below.
- Several people have asked regarding the status of the Project Peace bags. They are on their way. I know I said this awhile ago but then I ran into some issues with the company that I was buying them from. I came up with another plan that took a little longer and has a very special story to accompany it. I expect to receive them the middle of this week and then I'll be off to get them screen printed. So, if all goes according to plan I should have them ready for purchase the middle of next week. I can't tell you how excited I am about this. I had no idea how challenging it would be to make this happen.
- I've also been exploring getting some other Project Peace related knitting accessories. I'll share more once I have a firm commitment from the two companies. These will be fun
- The Peace calendar for March will be posted on the Ravelry Healthy Knitter group this Wednesday. If you know of any peace-related activities occurring around the world during the month of March, please let me know.
- Don't forget that during the month of April I'll be hosting another mystery knit-along (mKAL) and walk-along (WAL). Pre-orders for the pattern will go on sale the third week of March. Even if you don't want to engage in another knitting project there'll be lots of inspiration and community support for walkers of all levels and abilities. In April and November, I host a mKAL and WAL but I'm always changing the walk-along approach. I have a few new ideas up my sleeve. So, if you've done one before please note, it's a new pattern and a new WAL.
Mindful Monday Tip #9
It's really hard to change habits. R.E.A.L.L.Y. hard. What habits do you have that you want to change? If you make that change will it help you create more peace each day?
The key to success is to make small changes that focus on health. Don't expect big results from small changes but do think of those small changes like climbing a huge mountain. Each step forward matters but you can't get to the top with one big step from the bottom to the top.
What's in your cup?