The term "activism" is being used a lot lately; more specifically, craftivism. I finally had to ask someone "what does activism really mean?" And finally, I heard a definition I could wrap my mind around... "working to make the world a better place." Oh, then I'm all in when it comes to activism. It just needs to be focused on peace. To take this one step farther, this doesn't mean you have to get involved with lots of different organizations; you can work on creating peace in your own life and that in a small but very important way, will help to make the world a better place.
Project Peace in Brooklyn Tweed LOFT (Camper)
Last fall I was fortunate enough to get my hands on a new book called "The Mindfulness in Knitting" by Rachael Matthews. I still don't know how this happened because I ordered it via Amazon and it was unavailable until just a few days ago. I guess it was just meant to be. This book speaks to me in so many ways. It's all about being a mindful knitter. Rachael has done an amazing job at tackling so many angles about what it means to be mindful and connected it to knitting. A lot of what's presented in the book is in line with Project Peace. But there's a whole chapter on craftivism. And this particular passage just makes my heart sing...
“Working for good and making positive change is a primary motivation for creative people. Caring deeply about the world, creatives do not always want to be caught up in the noise or violence that fighting for justice can generate. Craftivism can be a soft, quiet protest, where producing thoughtful designs helps deliver a deep message.”
There are so many people around the world that are really struggling right now. I know this is nothing new but it's recently become more real for lots of people that previously felt "safe." Many people have written to me expressing that this is a very dark time for them and focusing on their knitting AND peace has helped; for some in a small way, for others it's been a life-saver.
Thinking about this passage reaffirms my commitment to spread peace throughout the global knitting community. I care deeply about the fate of this world, both the people and the earth. I'm not one to protest and create a lot of noise but I do want to make this world a better place. I've often felt that if I wasn't "active" then I wasn't making a difference.
So, it helps to hear that we can make a difference one stitch at a time. My designs will continue to carry greater meaning and that message is peace. It's a choice, at least as we still know it, and there's never been a greater cause throughout our's always peace.
Great news! The unprinted project bags arrived from the "manufacturer." I delivered them to the screen printer on Friday and expect them back by next Monday. That means...drum roll please, they should be available for purchase sometime next week. Next week's blog post will discuss the making of these bags...a truly special story. Plus, it connects with our theme of "ethically sourcing" our purchases.
Project Peace bags...headed to the printers
Don't forget that pre-orders for the mystery knit-along and walk-along will begin the 3rd week of March (last week I accidentally said April). I'm really excited for this "-along" as the pattern is made with the peaceful wanderer in mind and there will be lots of inspiration to encourage walking during these challenging months that transition us from one season to the next. During the pre-order there will be a special coupon code for all of you if you decide to participate.
Mindful Monday Tip #10
How often do you pick up your knitting, turn on the television and just tune out? You are blindly knitting along and in a bit of a knitting fog? Now, sometimes we need this as a little bit of a get-away and that's a good thing when it's done with intention. But how many times do you do this and the knitting just passes by? Perhaps you just want to get this project finished and you're over it.
Let's try a different approach. For me, my knitting is sacred time although I don't always appreciate it as such. But if I'm being honest it's a V.E.R.Y. important part of my day and identity. So, let's find a way to honor that time with knitting, with self, with peace.
Find a project that requires a bit of thought but perhaps doesn't require that you follow a pattern...Project Peace comes to mind. Maybe you need to cast on another one just for this purpose. Locate a comfortable place to sit, if you'd like some music to soothe your soul add that as well. As you begin knitting, notice your breath, the inhale and exhale. Next focus on the rhythm of your needles and notice if your breath coincides with your stitches? If not, take a moment to put the two together. Now continue knitting while inhaling and exhaling. Once you find that sweet connected spot between breath and knitting you may even begin to feel as if you are swaying like the waves on a lake as they hit the shore.
(Today's tip modified from The Mindfulness in Knitting with permission).
Enjoy...when the knitting blends with the breath you'll find peace. If at first you don't succeed, practice.
If you have other ways you connect with your knitting to create peace, please share.