Light shines through the darkness. A softness of the landscape exists despite the stormy skies…
“...but the basic message I’m trying to convey is that to the degree that each of us is dedicated to wanting there to be peace in the world, then we have to take responsibility when our own hearts and minds harden and close. We have to be brave enough to soften what is rigid, to find the soft spot and stay with it. We have to have that kind of courage and take that kind of responsibility. That’s true spiritual warriorship. That’s the true practice of peace.”
A softening of the heart and mind…
Opening what has been closed…
All the ways that so many have been hurt… each one of us most likely in someway shape or form.
… perhaps it’s not the original instance that caused all of the hardening of the heart and mind but rather what we did after the fact. Holding on to the hurt and pain.
Letting go once again… to allow our hearts to soften.
This little book is filled with wisdom. Pema Chodron is a Buddhist nun and has written many insightful books. While the book is short, it’s a simple read for an evening or spread out over a few mornings. I’ve returned to these mini-chapters over and over.
I have not provided a link for this book. I am intentionally working to increase my purchases from local shops or using the library. I certainly have a ways to go in this area… Wouldn’t it be grand if local bookstores were able to thrive once again? Bringing young children to the local bookstore to become fascinated and intrigued by books…
Daily peace tip #4.
What can/will you do today to allow your heart to soften?
If you do yoga, perhaps a physical way would be to focus on heart-openers.
Maybe a walk to clear the mind and let go of stale thoughts.
A break from being indoors to get some fresh air…
Other ideas to share?
peace, one stitch, one step (if able), one breath at a time…
Note: photo taken in Reawick, Shetland; October 2019