Today marks the end of the first week, we’ve explored ideas of peace related to self, cultivating a “right relationship” with self. We’ve explored defining peace, letting go, our own relationship with food, a softening of the heart, believing in peace, and the impact of plastics to our own health. Tomorrow, we’ll embark on a new perspective, “others.”
Sumbrugh, Shetland, UK
But first, our last specific topic focused on “self,” what it means to have a life built on scarcity vs. sufficiency.
“We each have a choice in any setting to step back and let go of the mind-set of scarcity. Once we let go of scarcity, we discover the surprising truth of sufficiency. By sufficiency, I don’t mean a quantity of anything...
Sufficiency isn’t an amount at all. It is an experience, a context we generate, a declaration, a knowing that there is enough and that we are enough...
When we live in the context of sufficiency... we engage in life from a sense of our own wholeness rather than a desperate longing to be complete. ”
Living a life of scarcity, in this context, that way of living that there’s a feeling of never enough, never “being” enough, accumulating more stuff to feel fulfilled, or that feeling of “that’s just how it is.” With this perspective, we breed discontent in our daily lives and perhaps foster an overwhelming sense of inadequacy.
This leads to feeling as if “I am not enough.”
This is not peace.
to a life of sufficiency… that world where you are enough. Where you don’t know everything, nor need to be the orchestrator of everyone’s life, knowing that what you do is enough. To do good… because it is what makes you whole, what completes you.
to be loved for who you are… and to love others for whom they are.
This is peace.
To be whole, complete…
To walk, to knit, to read, to breathe, to be… you are
Daily peace tip #7
make space for peace… for you, not because it will benefit someone else, because it will complete you.
You are enough…
I am enough…
Sit in a chair, feet firmly planted, hands on your lap, palms up to receive, or palms down to ground.
Breathe in slowly to the count of three, pause, exhale slowly to the count of three.
On the next 10 breaths, while breathing in, repeat in your mind “I-AM-ENOUGH,” do the same for the exhale
Winner of give-away
Wow, I’m continually inspired by all of your voices! What wonderful responses you had regarding the question “what does peace mean?” Thank you everyone for sharing. The winner of the 1st give-away is:
Elise Anderson. She wrote:
First thank you for being here and sharing. I didn't realize you would be posting daily for this Project Peace this year, so I started hunting up the old ones (which I still intend to read). I have appreciated each year tremendously and it's made a life difference of stopping to grasp and lay a hold of peace.
As for peace it is for me finding that quiet place within me. Telling my soul to stop. Drink in the quiet. Taking the time to create inner peace and valuing the time spent doing it.
Elise, please send me an email (thehealthyknitter at gmail dot com) and let me know your address!
Next give-away…
Remember, you won’t be receiving another email announcement in your inbox until Day 14. Make sure you read Day 8 to find out about the 2nd give-away.
And as you read these posts, if you would please consider leaving a peace-filled comment to share with others… and to let me know you’re here. That would be oh so appreciated!