Connecting with others, that’s our theme for the week.
I once heard that the ability to deepen one’s faith was a little like increasing one’s fitness. The more you show up and do the work, the more fit one becomes. Expecting to be fit by going to the gym once a week or even a month won’t produce the results one might be hoping to achieve.
Cultivating peace in one’s life and the world fits into this analogy… thinking about peace, doing something peace-oriented, once a week or here and there is most likely not going to result in peace-filled days or a world culture of peace.
“Peace... this we choose each day.”
A daily choice (for most of us)…
Coming back to the fitness scenario… it’s often suggested that to get to the gym more frequently or to walk more often, one find a “work-out” or “walking” partner. Someone who might hold you accountable to show up.
Why not find a peace-partner or peace-buddy? Someone you can connect with on your own pre-determined schedule to “chat” about peace.
Daily peace tip #8
Identify a friend or two, perhaps a group who are interested in peace. Decide how often you want to get together and what type of structure this might have.
Maybe you get together for coffee or to knit, could be over the phone or email.
Send quotes related to peace?
Share your daily three words (see Daily Peace Tip #1)?
Begin a book club with readings related to peace.
connect with others to deepen your relationship with peace
connect with peace to deepen your relationship with others
Give-away #2
Leave a comment on this post by December 13 (midnight central time) to the following question. I’ll send a set of Project Peace stitch markers to the winner and one of their peace-partners.
How can (or do) you connect with “others” to deepen your relationship with peace? This question isn’t about what do you do for others… it’s about having a peace-friend, a peace-group, etc. Your idea might resonate with someone else and inspire them to connect with others.